We at Black Riders provide highly reliable service in the field of annual day shows. We manage artists, performances, award distributions and many more. Days are gone when annual day shows were limited to school or educational institution’s children celebrating sports activities. Now the annual day celebrations involve a vast field. Some of which include corporate events like acknowledging staff for their hard work, the celebration of successful year completion or just a respite from the tough everyday schedule.
In order to make your celebrations successful and enjoyable, you need a professional help. Our staff is ready to collaborate with you in this field. We know all the dos and don'ts of such shows. In past, we have collaborated with our clients who have given us a chance to manage their annual shows. They are more than happy with our service. Below are some points which are a brief about some of the things we do in this regard. Read on!
Food and Beverages:-
A delectable food can win hearts and satisfied stomachs are always happy. If you want your guest to enjoy to the full extent, you should offer them the best food. Our Black Riders Production team has caterers and cooks who take great care. They prepare the great food and make sure the hygiene is maintained during and after the eatables are served to the guests.
Entertainers :-
We have a rapport with local artists and more. We provide many entertaining talents like dancers, standup comedians etc. To make your party enjoyable, we put our best put forward and provide talents to take the fun factor of your event high.
Welcoming Guests :-
We have the hosts which are present to welcome your guest with the huge smile. They engage people and make sure that the event runs smoothly. Having a host also reduces the headache of managing people. Hosts know how to be people’s person. We have experienced and well-trained hosts who perform their duties with finesse.